Customized Newsletters and Alerting
The Xtenit Platform provides a rich set of tools and features needed for sending advanced email communications including newsletters with personalized content and targeted messaging.
Personalized Content
Leverage your content by sending each subscribers the content that will most engage them. The Xtenit Platform has all features needed to support the timely delivery of highly personalized and customized email communications. We know that needs vary with application and goals. So we offer a variety of options for customized content communications that can be combined and configured to meet your precise requirements. High level personalization options include recipient selected preferences, inferred preferences, profile targets, synthetic profiles, recommended content, and embedded dynamic content Xtenit has been providing customized newsletter solutions for over 15 years.
Marketing Messages and Ads
Manage and target your marketing messages and third party ads for placement embedded with your alert and newsletter content. The Xtenit Platform understands the difference between ad placements, marketing messages, and editorial content with separate features for each. This makes it easy to offer unique ad product to advertisers or utilize subtle marketing messages across newsletters and alerts. All ad placements can contain multiple or rotated ads or marketing messages targeted by profile, context, time, and location. Advanced reporting provides new insights and data needed to assess ROI and other effectiveness measures.
Newsletter Publishing
Use the blog-like publishing features to quickly create your newsletters. Enter articles directly or pull content from your other content management systems or any RSS or XML feed. Select your template and preview what your newsletters will look like in multiple email readers and web mail programs. Embed ads and marketing messages into your newsletters and manage them separately from your content and articles. Target specific articles and ads (or marketing messages) to any segment of your audience without having to send multiple newsletters. Publish to your newsletter and/or optionally to the web and RSS feed at the same time. Automation options let you pull or collect content and push out newsletters automatically with no manual steps.
More Key Features for Newsletter Publishing
Alerts and Notifications
Recipients interact most with email content that best matches their interests and needs. If you dilute the relevancy factor with content of less interest, you risk losing the recipient's attention for future emails. For organizations and publishers with a large volume of content items produced daily, this can be a particular tough problem when delivering content via email. Xtenit simplifies the complexity of alerting and notifications in these cases, and enables automated solutions that improve recipient relevancy and increase monetization opportunities.
More Key Features for Alerts and Notifications
Targeted Promotional Mailings
The Xtenit Platform includes all the tools and features you need for effective email marketing. Send special promotional mailings and other communications. Maintain multiple subscriber profiles with an unlimited number of data fields and values and use them to precisely target, segment and analyze your email communications. Do sophisticated A-B splits to optimize subject line and copy. Use activity targets to target those who have or have not already opened or clicked on a campaign or newsletter. Manage multiple campaigns easily and tag mailings for custom reporting. Maintain archives of past mailings and create copies for subsequent mailings. Use customizable templates or load creative designs directly from your designers.
Setup auto responders and automated mailings that target select users after defined interactions like purchases, incomplete purchases, subscription expiration, clicking on links, or after being added to a specified channel. Send automated mailings immediately or with a specified lag. Further refine targets on automated emails to create highly customized responses.
More Key Features for Email Marketing
High Performance Email Delivery
High volume email senders leverage Xtenit's scalable delivery architecture for timely delivery to even the largest lists. Xtenit will also assure fast lane, no delay, delivery for time sensitive content like financial alerts and breaking news.
List Management and Reputation Monitoring
Xtenit monitors all bounce backs and takes corrective actions against spam filters and block lists to assure the highest deliverabilty with all email communications at all times. There is no need to manage this yourself or pay for expensive reputation services. All whitelisting, reputation, and delivery management is done for you.